Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dinner Thursday 24 May - Cod with Herb Butter & Purple Asparagus

Cod with Herb Butter & Purple Asparagus

Marks & Spencer were selling British "purple" asparagus, so I thought I would give it a try. It is pretty purple when raw, but when cooked, it just turned a very dark green! Oh well, it is British asparagus anyway, and therefore the BEST IN THE WORLD!

This is a pretty simple affair - steamed Anya potatoes, steamed baby carrots, steamed asparagus and steamed cod loin with a part of Herb Butter.

Nutrition Data
Calories (kcal) 317.0
Carbohydrate (g) 29.2
Protein (g) 27.7
Fat (g) 10.5
Fibre (g) 6.0

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