As I had half a pack of bini leftover from Sunday, I though - "Caviar!"
What else?
This is a "cheap-o" variation on a traditional caviar & accompaniments.
I love caviar, but it is hard to get and so incredibly expensive these days, that I have only had it once this year, on my birthday at Gotham Bar and Grill in NYC.
Real caviar, in my opinion, needs nothing to dress it up except maybe a few Melba toast points or blini. Lumpfish roe is another thing altogether and need a bit of "help". Hence the full Monty of traditional accompaniments.
8 blini
100g lumpfish caviar
4 quails eggs, hard boiled
1 tablespoon reduced fat creme fraiche
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 shallot, finely minced
150g asparagus spears, steamed
celery salt for the eggs.
I just warned the blini, topped them with a smidgen of creme fraiche then the lumpfish roe and a scattering of shallots.
Quails eggs are overcooked here, hence the grey ring around the yolk.
Nutrition Data
Calories (kcal) 432.7
Carbohydrate (g) 30.4
Protein (g) 28.1
Fat (g) 22.4
Fibre (g) 4.1