I mentioned on Friday that I make asparagus stock.
"It always annoys me to thrown away the tougher ends of asparagus, so I generally make stock with them to use in risottos, soups or pasta dishes. All I do is cover the asparagus ends with plenty of water and cook over low heat, covered, for about 30 minutes. then I whizz is all up in the blender and pass it through a sieve. Any tough stuff gets left behind in the sieve, but you get a nice, pulpy, asparagus flavoured stock."
So, here is another use for it. I made stock from the tough bits or 2 bunches of asparagus.
Asparagus Soup
1 pint asparagus stock
100g asparagus. cut into small pieces
150g potato, diced
1 tablespoons extra thick single cream
Cook the potato in the asparagus stock until soft. Puree the mixture. This will give you a nice thick, creamy base without too many calories.
Add the chopped asparagus to the soup and simmer over low heat until the bits are cooked, about 5-10 minutes. Stir in the cream, season to taste with salt & black pepper and serve.
Nutrition Data per serving
Calories (kcal) 198.3
Carbohydrate (g) 30.0
Protein (g) 7.0
Fat (g) 6.2
Fibre (g) 3.5
I had this with a mixed salad and some Pågen Krisprolls. Must have a go at making my own crisprolls sometime.
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