Been looking back through the last few days and realise I am getting more that 35 grams per day on several days of late. Need to watch that!
Monday 23 October - 27.4g
Tuesday 24 October - 26.7g
Wednesday 25 October - 25.6g
Thursday 26 October - 38.3g
Friday 27 October - 43.4g
Saturday 28 October - 44.4g
Sunday 29 October - 34.8g
Monday 30 October -54.0 g
It is so confusing to know what is the "correct" amount & type of fibre to eat. Most of mine has been vegetable fibre as opposed to cereal, so that is "a good thing". Excessive amounts of cereal fibre can cause certain minerals to bind to them and prevent the body from absorbing the minerals. This is mostly a problem with raw wheat bran, as I understand it.
I have noticed that I have been feeling a bit dehydrated over the past few days, despite drinking my usual 3 litres a day. Now I know why!
British Nutrition Foundation recommends minimum 18g of fibre a day, with 30g as optimal. They don't seem to list an upper limit as I recall. Interesting to see that every time the benefits of a low fat/ high fibre diet are questioned, they seem to induce the wrath of the medical establishment.
Interesting article here:
Dietary fibre and the risk of colorectal cancer
from "Gut" magazine (what a great name!)
Here is another link for a pamphlet that I point people to when they want good, basic fibre information
Guide to the Healthy, Happy Bowel
Finally, here is The British Nutrition Foundations Fibre advice:
BNF Fibre Guide