The method for making langoustine stock is listed under 21 September. But here is is again, as well.
I had a bunch of langoustine thoraxes & claws from the great Shellfish Bonanza - I put the tails in the freezer, but made bisque from the "junk" as I did not have room in the freezer for the whole critter.
Langoustine Bisque
langoustine shells from about 18 langoustine
1 carrot
1 rib celery
1 shallot
1/2 lemon
1 teaspoon pepper corns
small bunch parsley
few sprig chervil
1 teaspoon tomato puree
1 large glass (250ml) white wine
1 small glass (50ml) brandy
salt & pepper to taste
60 ml single cream
10g butter
20g sauce flour
paprika to taste
few sprigs parsley or chervil
Place the langoustine shells (heads, legs, thorax shells) on a baking tray and place in a low oven (Gas Mark 2 or 3) for about 45 minutes until they are dried and fragrant.
Place the legs in a mortar & pestle and crush lightly. Or if you have a heavy duty blender, you can whizz them up in the blender.
I just use the shells and discard the organs inside the thorax. I leave them there for roasting, but when it comes to whizz them up, I don't want the bits. Probably just be being fussy.
Add the toasted shells (including legs) to a large sauce pan. Add the chopped carrot, celery and shallot, 1/2 lemon, a few pepper corns, and parsley & chervil. Add enough water to just cover the ingredients, cover and simmer for about 35 minutes.
Strain the stock and discard the shells and vegetables. Add the tomato paste (more for colour than any thing else), the wine and the brandy and return to the heat.
Cook over low heat until it is much reduced; you want to end up with about 750ml - 1 litre of stock.
Taste the stock and add salt & pepper (if necessary). I sometimes add a tiny bit of sugar - 1/2 teaspoonful.
Make a roux of the butter and flour. Allow to cook to a light fawn colour and then add the stock and stir till slightly thickened. Add the cream and continue to stir - the bisque should be slightly thickened and glossy. Add a bit of paprika & correct the seasoning.
Allow to simmer for about 10-15 minutes over low heat.
Just before serving, add 1 tablespoon more of brandy. Garnish with parsley or chervil.
Makes 1 large serving (two bowls)
Nutrition Data per serving
Calories (kcal) 381.1
Carbohydrate (g) 17.0
Protein (g) 20.5
Fat (g) 25.1
Fibre (g) 0.6