After moaning about the lack of berries the other day, I rediscovered the most excellent pomegranate which is in season now. So, I devoured 2 of them with breakfast. The illustration above is from the website of a woman called Eliza K. Jewett who does most excellent scientific illustration (and whom I hope does not mind me using this image).
Eliza K. Jewett
Well, I finished off the seeded rye loaf and I made some malted granary bread for my new loaf.
As I have been goofing of on the blog front, I have only just realised that I forgot to take a picture of the loaf! And now it is almost gone.... so, here is a picture of what is left.
And here is I made it:
Malted Granary Bread
15g dried yeast
500ml warm water
30g golden unrefined sugar
65g malt extract
40g dried skimmed milk powder
1 egg1 tablespoon salt
50g wheat germ
250g malted brown flour (I used Hovis)
300g very strong white bread flour (Hovis again)
Add the sugar and yeast to the warm water and leave to "bloom" for about 10-15 minutes.
When the yeast is foaming, add the malt extract, milk powder, egg, salt, wheat germ and malted brown flour. Mix well to a batter or sponge and leave to rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
Stir down and add half the white flour. Mix well and turn out onto a board covered with the rest of the flour. Knead until all the flour is incorporated and the loaf is smooth and elastic. Pop into an oiled bowl and leave to rise, covered, for about an hour or until double in bulk.
Knock back and knead again for 100 strokes or about 5 minutes. Shape into loaves and leave for the final rising.
When well risen, bake in a moderate over, around 350 degrees or Gas 4 until browned and hollow sounding when tapped on the bottom.
I did this as one large loaf in a bean tin (see here for the bean tin story)