As it is a special day, I decided to avail myself of the Super-8 waffle bar for the first time this trip. So, I made a waffle with some of the pre-made batter. And it was not bad, only let down by the fact that the accompaniments were cheap margarine and maple "flavoured" syrup (aka brown high fructose corn syrup). But it was OK and I also had a box of strawberries I had picked up the day before with the raspberries.
Boy, I have been missing fruit with breakfast.
Spent the morning visiting with Mom, but as the nursing home don't like family members around during meals, we had to leave her while she had her turkey & trimmings.
We went out to down to the levy looking for bald eagles and saw a few working the thermals, trying to get some altitude. Then we drove out to Credit Island looking for more, but only found a good sized hawk and the usual collection of nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers, cardinals and doves at the Audubon Society's bird feeder.
Credit Island is an island in the Mississippi River just south west of Davenport, Iowa. Its name was derived by the use of the island as an early Indian trading post. Credit could be obtained on the promise of hides and skins to be delivered at a later time - hence Credit Island.
Most people probably go to Credit Island for the golf course these days. It gets flooded out every time the Mississippi floods, but they keep rebuilding the damn thing. Better just to leave it to the birds.
My lunch at the hotel comprised a salad of lettuce, broccoli slaw, spring onions and Fat Free Ranch dressing accompanying a baked potato with blue cheese and some Brussels sprouts.
I spent the afternoon with Mom, looking over some old pictures while Ian disappeared off somewhere, trying to avoid the nursing home administration staff as he has not paid Mom's bill in ages.
Back at the hotel, I had a salad made up of a tin of crab, some celery, spring onions, canned corn and ranch dressing on a bed of lettuce. I also ate the other 1/2 a tin of lima beans and then ended up snacking on some blue cheese and celery later on - heading home tomorrow and still have food that needs to get eaten. Whatever I don't finish, I will leave with Ian, but as he is lactose intolerant, blue cheese is not for him.
Managed to annoy Ian which got him out of the hotel room for a while, which was a relief to me. My tolerance of him is pretty slim, especially his tendency to spread his crap all over the place and the most annoying habit ever, constant channel flicking.
Spiderman II was on TV and I had never seen it, so told him around 18:00 that I planned on watching it. He was watching some dumbass David Spade movie called Joe Dirt (it is MY hotel room, by the way) which ends at after Spiderman II begins - he is going to have to miss the ending.

Anyway, when Spiderman II starts, I manage to extricate the remote from his hand and change channels and he promptly goes off on one. I suggest that he watch the end on the TV down in the breakfast room and he stomps off someplace for an hour or two and then comes back and delivers a running commentary about how stupid the Spiderman movie is, despite me asking him to shut up.
But I get my own back by holding on to the remote and frustrating his channel flicking desires. Also make a point of loudly commenting over the next programme he tries to watch, so he can get a sample of how annoying it is.
Time to go home.
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