Well, more cleaning and unpacking in L's new kitchen. Not much grub on offer, aside from the loaf I brought, so had a slice of that with some peanut butter.
Housewarming Bread
15g dried yeast
1 teaspoon sugar sugar
350ml warm water
90g malt extract
5 g LoSalt
100 g whole rolled porridge oats
40 g sunflower seeds
40 g pumpkin seeds
20g linseeds
1 large, free range organic egg
40g dried skimmed milk powder
650g very strong white bread flour
Mix malt extract and sugar with warm water. Sprinkle yeast over surface and leave for 10 -15 minutes until yeast has bloomed.
Add the salt, oats, seeds, egg, milk powder and 300g flour. Mix well to form a soft "sponge" dough.
Cover and leave to rise until doubled in bulk. Stir down.
Add the remainder of the flour and knead well until dough is smooth, elastic and no longer sticky.
Cover and let rise again. Knock back and knead briskly for at least 5 minutes.
Shape into a loaf, place in a greased and floured 2kg tin and allow to rise in the fridge overnight.
Next morning, pop the loaf into a cold oven and set the heat of Gas Mark 4 or 5. Bake loaf until golden and hollow sounding when tapped, about 45-60 minutes.
This bread is pretty much the same as the Seeded Oatmeal bread from Sunday 10 September, but with the added malt extract. It was pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.
Not sure where I got this "tradition" from, but for quite some time I have been bringing bread and salt as housewarming gifts - bread so there will never be hunger in the new house and salt so there will never be tears.
* not actual picture, but close enough.