Had some potatoes that needed using up, so I made this.
Another Potato Salad
400g new potatoes, scrubbed, boiled and cut into bite sized chunks
1 small sweet onion, sliced fine (about 50g)
2 stalks celery, trimmed and sliced fine (about 120g)
1 teaspoon mustard
juice 1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon hemp oil
1/2 teaspoon fructose (or 1 teaspoon sugar)
2 tablespoons extra light mayonnaise
Make a dressing of of the lemon juice, oil, fructose or sugar and mustard. Season to taste with salt & freshly ground black pepper. Add the mayonnaise and mix well.
Mix together the cooked potatoes, onions & celery. Pour over the dressing and combine.
Makes 2 servings
Nutritional Information Per Serving
Calories (kcal) 243.4
Protein (g) 4.0
Carbohydrate (g) 41.0
Fat (g) 8.2
Fibre(g) 3.6
This lead on to today's lunch which is:
Another Composed Salad
1 duck egg
65g vegetarian "sausage" (I had Fry's Polony sausage)
1 bag (200g) mixed leaves
1 small avocado, skinned, seeded and cut into slices (70g)
1 few caperberries
celery salt (optional)
1 serving of the potato salad (above)
Crumble of sliver the veggie sausage and fry in a non-stick pan with a little spray oil until crispy.
Line a serving dish with the salad leaves. Mound the potato salad on top and garnish with the sausage, avocado, egg and caperberries. Sprinkle the egg with celery salt, if liked.
Nutrition Data
Calories (kcal) 687.0
Carbohydrate (g) 54.2
Protein (g) 30.2
Fat (g) 40.4
Fibre (g) 11.2
Rather a calorific affair!
I picked up some fructose on a recent jaunt into Holland & Barrett as it is supposedly better for the body than refined white sugar. Apparently, it does not cause the same sort of insulin spikes as white sugar.
Now looking into it, a bunch of sources are saying that it might be as bad as sugar! I can't win for losing...
Anyway, I am not going tot worry about 1/2 teaspoon here or there. Most of the concern seems to be about the effect of High Fructose Corn Syrup as a sweetener.
Some sensible, non-hysterical information about fructose here.