Monday, March 05, 2007

Dinner Monday 5 March - Steamed Vegetables with Cheese Veloute

I love broccoli & cheese sauce. I love cauliflower & cheese sauce. I love asparagus & cheese sauce. I love fine beans & cheese sauce.

I love cheese sauce.

I love cheese.

So, here is an attempt to produce the "ummmm, cheese" effect without quite so many calories and grammes of saturated fat.

Steamed Vegetables with Cheese Veloute

125 g broccoli
200g runner beans
Colcannon (made from 50g cabbage and 150g potatoes and a couple spring onions)
1 portion Veloute Sauce with Cheese

Nutrition Data for Full Meal
Calories (kcal) 437.3
Carbohydrate (g) 50.5
Protein (g) 30.6
Fat (g) 13.5
Fibre (g) 10.5

Veloute with Cheese
1/2 pint vegetable stock
1 tablespoon cornflour (about 15g)
2 tablespoon single cream (30ml)
tablespoon chopped parsley
50g reduced fat cheese (I had some Frico Edam)

Mix together the vegetable stock and cornflower. Cook over low heat, stirring all the while, until thickened. Add the cream & cheese and stir until cheese has melted. Scatter in the parsley & correct the seasoning.

Nutrition Data per serving
Calories (kcal) 240.1
Carbohydrate (g) 14.9
Protein (g) 19.8
Fat (g) 11.3
Fibre (g) 0.

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