Thursday, July 20, 2006

Breakfast Thursday 20 July - Pixley Raspberries

Picked up some nice Herefordshire raspberries up the market. Love the fact that these are in PAPER BOXES! So recyclable.

C'mon berry suppliers! If Pixley can pack in little card boxes, so can you. Ditch the plastic boxes, please.

These say on the side

And on the end
"Pixley Berries from the land of fruit, hops, cider and poets"

And very nice they were, too.

From their website:
"bio-diversity includes barn owls, dormice, otters, green woodpeckers, buzzards, bats and tadpoles. And we have a great collection of beetles from our hopyards, collected by Dr Colin Campbell of East Malling Research.
Berry growers greatest friends….. bumblebees, ladybirds, lacewings, beetles, typhs, soldier beetles, spiders and many others. "

How nice!

Pixley Berries