Prawn Salad in Caribbean Pepper Sauce
200g Caribbean Hot Pepper Sauce (see below)
1 clove garlic, crushed
juice 1/2 lime
1 carrot, cut into julienne (about 70g)
2 ribs celery, cut into julienne (about 80g)
4 spring onions, shredded (about 50g)
100g sugar snap peas, halved lengthwise and blanched in boiling hot water for 60 seconds, then refreshed in cold water
1 red Ramiro pepper, cut into fine strips (about 90g)
100g cooked king prawns, deveined
about 200g mixed leaves - I have a mixture of romaine hearts, flat leaf parsley and radish leaves here.
Mix hot pepper sauce with crushed garlic and lime juice to make a dressing. Mix the vegetables together with the prawns and add the dressing. Toss together gently until well mixed.
Line a serving plate with you selection of leaves and pile the salad on top!
All my recipes seem to end this way - must find a new way of saying same old thing....
Calories (kcal) 403.2
Protein (g) 27.0
Carbohydrate (g) 65.1
Fat (g) 5.9
Fibre (g) 14.1
Caribbean Pepper Sauce
I found this recipe online when I was looking for ways to cook up a HUGE bag of peppers I bought up the Market for £1. There is a little man in the market who sells bowls of various fruit and veg - all £1 a bowl. It is generally OK stuff, but needs to get used up within a day of two - hence the "pile it high and sell it cheap".
One day he had MASSES of hot, red chillies. I buy from him pretty often and he usually gives me "special deal", as he puts it. When I got my sack of chillies home and weighed it, I had 2 kilos of the HOTTEST little red chillies ever. I made harissa, sambal oelek, Mauritian chilli paste condiment and this recipe, which I found someplace online.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 onions, diced (about 180g)
2 ripe mangoes, skinned, seeded, and cut into chunks (about400g)
6 carrots, diced (about 420g)
2 chayote (cho-cho), diced (abut 400g)
12 pimento (allspice) berries
10 whole black peppercorns
4 thyme sprigs
1 ounce ginger root, finely diced
1/2 cup sugar
80g hot red chillies
1/4 cup cider vinegar
Heat the oil in a nonreactive pot. Saute the onions until they are translucent but not browned. Add the mangoes, carrots, chayote, pimento berries, peppercorns, thyme, and ginger. Saute the mixture 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add the sugar and peppers. Cook until the carrots are soft, about 20 more minutes.
Puree the mixture in a blender then force it through a sieve. Discard any material than will not pass through the sieve.
Store it in a tightly closed bottle in the refrigerator.
This made approx 1.5 kilos of sauce - enough to fill two empty vodka 70cl bottles!
Approximate nutritional info per 15g serving (about 1 tablespoon)
Calories (kcal) 14.7
Protein (g) 0.1
Carbohydrate (g) 3.3
Fat (g) 0.2
Fibre(g) 0.3
Mysterious pepper sauce....