I had picked up some tempeh in the Albertson's. I love it and L&M had never tired it, so I set it marinating. Like tofu, tempeh does not have a lot of taste on it's own, but it has an interesting texture, being made with whole soya beans and a bit more taste as it is fermented. I mixed some white wine, soy, ginger and brown sugar and add the tempeh, cut into strips. Normally, I would add garlic & chillies as well, but not this time due to Lyn's IBS.
Then we set off to drive down to Petaluma to visit L&M's friend Butch & Ricky. They have a nice house on a bit of land, set off in a bit of an out of the way location. It was a nice drive down, along the San Pablo Bay for a lot of the way.
Poodles Sherry & Tommy had a good romp around the yard and managed to get themselves TOTALLY covered in burrs & hitchhikers in the process. Lots of combing out followed and they were both pouffy as could be after.
Butch & Ricky share their beautiful home with an assortment of cats, so I had plenty of opportunities to pat, stroke, cuddle and cajole felines before lunch. Lyn & I had carted down a big cooler full of salad fixings, so we prepared a huge salad - lettuces, herbs, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, apple, bit of grated cheese, seeds, and some broken up tortilla chips as croutons - all sorts! It was pretty damn good. Butch had made a gorgeous focaccia with rosemary & sun-dried tomatoes of top, too - it was all I could do to restrain myself from eating half of it. He also produced some homemade brownies for afters - all very yummy and in excellent company yet again.
Back at home, had the tempeh for dinner. I stir fried it in the marinade until the marinade was reduced down to a glaze and served it on a bed of lettuce, mint, corinader, finely sliced shallots and spring onions. Michael whipped up a mixed squash & sweet potato bake to go with and we chowed down. Pleased to say L&M liked their first encounter with tempeh!