Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dinner Wednesday 4 April - Massive Stir Steam Veggies

OK, well this is sort of a "cleaning out the crisper drawer" stir steam. Trying to use up as many of the fresh veggies as possible before heading off.

Tonight's selection:
100g purple sprouting broccoli
40g asparagus
75g buna shemiji mushrooms
60g mange tout
100g carrots
handful of Chinese kale
60g baby corn
handful of Chinese flowing chives
handful of coriander leaves
40g spring onions

Stir Steamed Vegetables Recipe

Nutrition Data
Calories (kcal) 388.7
Carbohydrate (g) 41.2
Protein (g) 30.8
Fat (g) 8.4
Fibre (g) 9.3

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