Friday, September 22, 2006

Dinner Friday 22 September - Crisps, peanuts, V&Ts

Well, dinner was supposed to be ratatouille with pasta after the pub. But, I ended up sharing a few bags of crisps and a couple bags of peanuts and so was not hungry when I got in.

This is sort of ironic, on the day that the British Heart Foundation launch their "Food for Thought" campaign


The image of the girl drinking cooking oil has some people in a lather, but they make a point. There is the equivalent of 2 1/2 teaspoons of oil in the average packet of crisps. Eat one or two a day, as many British kids do and it soon adds up. One packet a day equals FIVE LITRES A YEAR.


'Pack-a-day crisp habit' warning

Had thought the ratatouille & pasta would be great after a night drinking and it probably would have been, had I been hungry!