Just a salad. Had a lump of dolcelatte and some Ryvita mid afternoon, so not so hungry
50g rocket
100g carrot, grated
1 rib celery, sliced fine (about 50g)
1 sachet Ken's Lite Italian Dressing
200g cherry tomatoes
200g beet root
Just mixed together the grated carrot and celery with a sachet of Ken's Lite Italian Dressing I found in the fridge. I think I picked it up in the hospital cafeteria when I was visiting my Mum in January. 'bout time it got used up. Add a few caraway seeds, as I like them with carrot especially.
Nutrition Summary
Calories (kcal) 229.7
Protein (g) 7.8
Carbohydrate (g) 38.0
Fat (g) 6.6
Fibre (g) 9.2