Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dinner Wednesday 28 February - Quorn Steak with Sweet Potato Chips and Sauteed Peppers

Quorn Steak with Sweet Potato Chips and Sauteed Peppers
No "recipe" here per se; just method.

The sweet potato was scrubbed and cut into chips, then sprayed with a bit of oil and baked until cooked and browned.

Pepper were some I got 10 for £1 in Chapel Market, so just sauteed up with some garlic, chili and spring onions.

Steamed beans, and the Quorn steak was just pan fried with spray oil.

Oh, and ketchup, poured out of bottle.

Nutrition Data
Calories (kcal) 312.2
Carbohydrate (g) 53.2
Protein (g) 16.7
Fat (g) 5.0
Fibre (g) 12.4

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