Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lunch Thursday 1 February - Celeriac, Pear & Stilton Soup

Celeriac, Pear & Stilton Soup
1/2 a celeriac, peeled and pared (about 400g)
1 big fat tasty pear (Conference, Comice - whatever), core removed
1 Pint vegetable stock
6 tablespoons extra thick single cream
50g Stilton cheese
few sprigs fresh parsley

Cut celeriac into chunks and cover with stock.

Cook over low heat until tender (15 mins). Add pear (with peel) cut into chunks and simmer a further 5-10 minutes.

Whizz up in blender with the single cream. Add the finely chopped parsley. Crumble in the Stilton and serve.

Weird and wonderful!

This makes 2 large portions.

Nutrition Data per serving
Calories (kcal) 300.2
Carbohydrate (g) 31.7
Protein (g) 10.6
Fat (g) 15.7
Fibre (g) 6.1

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