Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lunch Thursday 11 January - Seitan Wrap

Doggedly working my way through a pack of 6 plain tortilla style wraps, so today's lunch was half a pack of smoky seitan, lettuce, tomato and cucumber raita wrapped up in one.

Seitan is made from wheat gluten, if you are not familiar with it. It is vegan and very tasty, too. This was some "Wheaty" seitan I had lying about in the fridge. I am a fan of seitan (and fried gluten) but it is not that easy to come by, it seems. I find it canned in Chinatown as "mock pork" and "mock chicken", but these seitan steaks are nice.

Wheaty website

Must try making some one day. Here is a nice blog about how to make seitan.

Vegan Lunchcast

Nutrition Summary
Calories (kcal) 456.5
Protein (g) 35.2
Carbohydrate (g) 48.4
Fat (g) 13.7
Fibre (g) 5.9

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